Hello, I am

Samira Zare

I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from UCSC. My research revolves around the development of smart materials capable of changing and adapting their shapes according to available space. Active origami structures represent a promising field, offering numerous advantages such as flexibility, adaptability, and ease of fabrication within the realm of robotics.




Three-dimensionally printed self-lock origami: Design, fabrication, and simulation to improve performance of rotational joint


Design, Modeling, Simulation, and Fabrication of Origami to Improve Rotational Joint’s Performance


Modular self-lock origami: Design, modeling, and simulation to improve the performance of a rotational joint


Design and analysis of plate angles of the four-vertex origami pattern and its impacts on movement of rotational joints

Mentor / Teaching assistant

  • Mentorship for students in SIP program focusing on origami robots research
  • Teaching assistant on Machine learning, Python, Discrete Math, Probability classes, etc.



University of California Santa Cruz

Winter 2016 – Spring 2023

Azad Karaj University

Fall 2010 – Spring 2014


Patrick Tantalo
Jack Baskin School of Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz

I am very pleased to recommend Samira Zare for any position within your organization. Ms. Zare worked as a Teaching Assistant in many of my classes over the last 7 years at the University of California, Santa Cruz. These include CSE 16 (Applied Discrete Mathematics, CSE 10 (Beginning Python), CSE 30 (Programming Abstractions) and CSE 101 (Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms). They range from beginning to advanced, and from pure programming to pure mathematics. The smallest was about 50 students, where Ms. Zare was the sole TA, and the largest about 350 students, where she was part of a cadre of 7 TAs.

In all cases Ms. Zare exhibited an excellent work ethic, becoming an extremely reliable and indispensable asset to my teaching team. As a grader, her work was consistent, accurate, and always submitted on time. As a tutor, she was much sought out by students for her academic experience and her excellent advice. I have worked with many graduate student TAs over the years, and most require a significant amount of training and direction. A few others, like Ms. Zare, require very little, and seem to know exactly what needs doing and how to do it. She understands, beyond just the course material, the level of difficulty of the course, the expectations to be placed on students, and the role of the course in our curriculum. Whenever I worked with Ms. Zare, I could be sure that I would have the time I needed to concentrate on course content, knowing that her work would be performed with excellence and precision. All this, while pursuing her own PhD research.

Alex Spaeth
Graduate Student Researcher
Jack Baskin School of Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz

Samira is great to work with. We collaborated closely on the mathematical modeling part of her origami robotics papers, and she never lets setbacks stop her. She stays optimistic and keeps pushing until the device works exactly as she envisions it.